Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bullying Comic Book Prepares To Kickstart or GoGo

Of course Kickstarter and Indiegogo are two of the most successful crowdfunding   platforms in the business. Each have their own user base and guidelines for acceptance of projects, so where does an anti-bullying comic book fit in? Thus to Kickstart or to GoGo is the question!

Superman (comic book)
Superman (comic book) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Thanks to the ongoing success of D.C. and Marvel, old comic book characters continue to be reinvented on screen to the delight of many....the MOB is life staff included.  But as we contemplate the public release tomorrow of Superman (we already have tickets by the way) let your mind mull over a concept that is beginning to intrigue many........comic book heroes that fight bullying! Well how about that?

Yesterday we introduced everyone to the term Mind Over Bullies and today we introduce the so titled comic book.  The concept was created by Khamicom Entertainment CEO, Damon Smith. The origin of the whole idea came from a news article of a disturbing teen suicide. “I don’t know where I’d been, I just hadn’t taken notice and then there it was in my Facebook feed.” Smith was referring to the morning that the story of 15 year old New York high school student Felicia Garcia hit the press. Garcia was the target of ongoing bullying and she reached her breaking point. In a moment of despair Garcia took her life in front of peers.

Stories like Felicia’s have become all too common these days as bullying has continued to take on different forms. The Khamicom team decided to contribute to anti-bullying efforts using an age old platform.....comic books. No super powers, no distant planet to call home, just everyday teens with everyday problems (from various races we might add) that decide to stand up and speak out.

Characters from MOB comic book series
 (Photo Credit: Khamicom Entertainment) 
The concept has been tossed around for months and months and has been met with positive reactions from almost everybody that has had a chance to hear about the project. The response has been positive enough to finally put the wheels in motion.

Enter crowdfunding.....there are plenty of crowdfunding projects hitting the web every day and while comic books aren’t the most popular projects they certainly receive their fair share of support.

Later this month Khamicom will launch their crowdfunding campaign on either the Kickstarter or Indiegogo platforms with the hope of raising enough capital to create 12 months of MOB comics for the series.

Take a look at the preview link (We couldn’t find a preview link for Indiegogo projects so we are using the kickstarter link but both pages look the same):

Take a look at the project and tell us what you think about it and about the concept as a whole.

MOB is life!
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